AirPods are my new frenemies


I got this message the other day and I was wondering why it would take 14 HOURS to fully charge my AirPod Pros!?!? Because I have been out on a long walk and had my AirPods die long before my legs, I take these warnings seriously. I put the Pods in the case and charged them until 11AM the next day.


Apple created this optimization because it can allegedly reduce the wear on the battery and improve the lifespan "by reducing the time that your AirPods Pro spend fully charged." Apple also claims these little inner ear headphones "learn from your daily charging routine and will wait to charge (them) past 80% until just before you need to use them."

I suppose this may actually work because my unprofessional AirPods did not hold a charge for long. They were the ones that died mid-walk, leaving me to wonder what happened next on my podcast. For safety reasons, I do not have the volume up and often walk with just one pod in my ear. I also try to have my hands empty in case I have to fight someone. I am not out there trying to be a victim of crime! Maybe that's another post to write?

Because I am skeptical of Apple telling me this is for my own good, I turned to the Internet. I found some tech bloggers who seemed to agree that this feature actually is better than the old charging method. I wonder how long this will work? Does it have some sort of timing device to start slowing down when the next generation is about to hit the stores? Would Apple really do something to keep these going strong I don't start cursing these and make them backup AirPods for a newer, fresher version? I have a feeling they are not that generous.

NOTE: I did this research and writing while the AirPods were charging preventing me from taking a walk. This made my watch mad because it required me to sit still for too long. These devices are not on the same team. 😏


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