Clocking History

I have never understood the people who say they don't like history. I can understand not liking certain periods of history, but not liking history? Like, at all? 😶 I spy history in some interesting places. It's pretty easy to walk around a bunch of buildings with your eyes either on your phone (dangerous) or on street signs (helpful). Have you ever walked the same route with no phone at a slower pace? YOU SHOULD! While playing a game of "find the shade because the sun is not your friend" on a familiar route, I noticed something for the first time. A clock that was not keeping time. I mean, it's right twice a day but it was definitely not giving me the correct time when I stared at it. So why the heck is there a clock in downtown San Antonio taunting me like this? I spun around looking for some explanation. Nothing at eye level. I looked down. It's the Hertzberg Clock ! Here's what the marker says: The Hertzberg Clock has been the "official" time...