
Showing posts from June, 2023

Clocking History

I have never understood the people who say they don't like history. I can understand not liking certain periods of history, but not liking history? Like, at all? 😶 I spy history in some interesting places. It's pretty easy to walk around a bunch of buildings with your eyes either on your phone (dangerous) or on street signs (helpful). Have you ever walked the same route with no phone at a slower pace? YOU SHOULD! While playing a game of "find the shade because the sun is not your friend" on a familiar route, I noticed something for the first time. A clock that was not keeping time. I mean, it's right twice a day but it was definitely not giving me the correct time when I stared at it. So why the heck is there a clock in downtown San Antonio taunting me like this? I spun around looking for some explanation. Nothing at eye level. I looked down. It's the Hertzberg Clock ! Here's what the marker says: The Hertzberg Clock has been the "official" time...

Yay. It's Hot. Again.

It's that time of year when I take my fight against the sun to DEFCON1. I am not a meteorologist but I know what kind of forecast we get this time of year. I made my own weather alert. Experience tells me it will be valid throughout October.  Don't mind me, I'm just out here looking for ways to not feel like I'm melting when I leave home. My first result turned up a full list from Amazon ! Cooling towels/neck wraps At $8.95 and 4.8 stars, this seems like a hit! You wet the towel and BOOM it's cold. Most of the reviews said it works as long as the towel is wet. I did not find a review that explained if your sweat keeps it wet to keep you cool or if you cool off so much that you just don't sweat anymore. I saw one reviewer who claimed to get brain freeze after taking it out of the freezer to cool off on a 98-degree day. That's not a negative to me!  If really can get that cool, why can't I find a full outfit made of this material in many colors so I can we...

I Tried The NYT's Peanut Butter & Pickle Sandwich Recipe and I Liked It

I was scrolling on Facebook (as one does) and saw something posted by the New York Times that I did not think could be real. Peanut butter and pickle sandwich. There were so many comments that I thought it can't be a thing. It seemed I was not the only person who was skeptical of this recipe. Now THAT is the kind of journalist I love! Curious, unafraid and willing to try something even if it means he is wrong. So I went I followed the link. I know I should not make assumptions, but I'm going to trust that if you are reading this you have some sandwich-making in your background. Maybe you've combined jelly, bananas, bacon or marshmallow fluff with your peanut butter and bread before. Maybe you've had a pickle on the side of your sandwich. But could this really be a good combo? I did a little research. I found many conversations around the peanut butter and pickle sandwich going back to 2012. Then, the NYT called the pickle peanut butter's " unlikely best frien...