Subtle ASL lesson

I am a creature of habit. I like to start my day with a workout, have some coffee and spend some time reading a chapter or two of a book. This allows me to focus on things that challenge me before the day's stressors have even opened their eyes. I'm currently reading the novel True Biz by Sara Novic. 

I tend to read fiction, then some type of non-fiction and repeat. Coming off a book about some heroic Jewish women who fought Nazis, I had fully prepared myself for a little bit of brain candy or at least an escape from harsh reality. I knew that the primary setting in this new book was a school for the deaf and that the primary characters were also deaf, but I found quite a surprise a few pages in.

That is some American Sign Language! Pictures and translations with directions are scattered throughout the book. I've always been curious about this language but have no real excuse for not having made an effort to learn it. Now, it looks like I will. I think. Maybe. I don't know how much of this I'll be able to remember. I WILL TRY!                  

My messages here:
  1. Pick up a book. Any book.
  2. Start to read regularly.
  3. If you do not like a book, put it down and pick up another one until you find one you want to read.
  4. When you finish a book, reflect on what you learned. Every book has a lesson!
I love the escape of reading, using my imagination to visualize the words and then wondering what happens after the final paragraph. 


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