Subtle ASL lesson
I am a creature of habit. I like to start my day with a workout, have some coffee and spend some time reading a chapter or two of a book. This allows me to focus on things that challenge me before the day's stressors have even opened their eyes. I'm currently reading the novel True Biz by Sara Novic.
I tend to read fiction, then some type of non-fiction and repeat. Coming off a book about some heroic Jewish women who fought Nazis, I had fully prepared myself for a little bit of brain candy or at least an escape from harsh reality. I knew that the primary setting in this new book was a school for the deaf and that the primary characters were also deaf, but I found quite a surprise a few pages in.
- Pick up a book. Any book.
- Start to read regularly.
- If you do not like a book, put it down and pick up another one until you find one you want to read.
- When you finish a book, reflect on what you learned. Every book has a lesson!
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