How To Make Reading Your Next Good Habit

I pick up a book and read almost every day. Depending on the book, I can usually finish one every three weeks or so. This has been my habit for more than a decade. I have tried a digital book, but I find I actually like holding the book (no matter how big and bulky it is). It does not feel like work. I find I have more focus. I retain the information better. If a download is what it takes to dip your toes into the reading pool, have at it! It's your adventure! If you travel a lot, this may be the most convenient way for you to read. I do find that if I'm in public with a real book people are less likely to interrupt me. I often get asked questions about how I made reading a habit, I decided to spill all my book nerd secrets because I want you to read something other than a screen that has nothing to do with work or school every day. Why do I need to make this a habit? Science says so. I could just say that, but I will spare you from doing the Googling to prove me wrong...